Roger Anderson, JBC Chair
Roger Anderson lived in Fargo, North Dakota, through high school when he went to Carleton College and then on to Harvard to obtain his PhD in Physical Chemistry. He worked with two future Nobel Prize winners, and he accepted an assistant professor position at UCSC after spending four years at Harvard.
At UCSC he taught courses at lower and upper division and graduate levels. During his 42 years as an active faculty, he was fortunate to have excellent graduate students who have had distinguished careers in research, industry, and academics. These students participated in work on energy transfer and chemical reactions of laser excited atoms and reactions op the photolysis products of molecules. The group also studied chemiluminescent reactions. Later his group concentrated on UV light induced chemical vapor deposition, and the production of low temperature deposition processes and the deposition of low dielectric constant thin films.
During his active and retirement years he has also pursued his interests in theoretical science. He has studied fast and accurate methods to solve large systems of differential equations in quantum mechanics and used these methods to specify broadband and excellent antireflection coatings for solar energy applications. He has also done important modeling on the filling of vials in semiconductor equipment using sputtering. He has also studied the physics of focusing symmetric top molecules in hexapole electrostatic fields. Most recently during his retirement he has studied discrete orthogonal polynomials and their application to smoothing and compression of tabular data. This work has also found accurate and fast methods for the calculation of useful objects such as Gram polynomials.
Roger has a long record of service in the Academic Senate. He served on the UCSC planning and budget committee for one year before becoming chair. After being chair for one year he became chair of UCPB. After this he was selected as vice chair and later chair of the Santa Cruz Division. He was chair of the UCSC Committee on Emeriti Relations and became CUCEA chair in 2014. He joined JBC as a “at large” member in 2016 and became JBC Chair in 2017.
He has an extensive record of public service over his time in Santa Cruz. He served on the Scotts Valley City Council for four years, and he has just completed his 30th year on the Santa Cruz County Local Formation Commission (LAFCO). He has recently been appointed for another four-year term. He has also served as the Chair of the Statewide board of CALAFCO.
Roger owned a sailboat berthed in the Santa Cruz Harbor for more than 40 years, and he enjoys the wonderful coastal scenery and trails near his home. He is single and has four high school and college age grandchildren who all live in California.
At UCSC he taught courses at lower and upper division and graduate levels. During his 42 years as an active faculty, he was fortunate to have excellent graduate students who have had distinguished careers in research, industry, and academics. These students participated in work on energy transfer and chemical reactions of laser excited atoms and reactions op the photolysis products of molecules. The group also studied chemiluminescent reactions. Later his group concentrated on UV light induced chemical vapor deposition, and the production of low temperature deposition processes and the deposition of low dielectric constant thin films.
During his active and retirement years he has also pursued his interests in theoretical science. He has studied fast and accurate methods to solve large systems of differential equations in quantum mechanics and used these methods to specify broadband and excellent antireflection coatings for solar energy applications. He has also done important modeling on the filling of vials in semiconductor equipment using sputtering. He has also studied the physics of focusing symmetric top molecules in hexapole electrostatic fields. Most recently during his retirement he has studied discrete orthogonal polynomials and their application to smoothing and compression of tabular data. This work has also found accurate and fast methods for the calculation of useful objects such as Gram polynomials.
Roger has a long record of service in the Academic Senate. He served on the UCSC planning and budget committee for one year before becoming chair. After being chair for one year he became chair of UCPB. After this he was selected as vice chair and later chair of the Santa Cruz Division. He was chair of the UCSC Committee on Emeriti Relations and became CUCEA chair in 2014. He joined JBC as a “at large” member in 2016 and became JBC Chair in 2017.
He has an extensive record of public service over his time in Santa Cruz. He served on the Scotts Valley City Council for four years, and he has just completed his 30th year on the Santa Cruz County Local Formation Commission (LAFCO). He has recently been appointed for another four-year term. He has also served as the Chair of the Statewide board of CALAFCO.
Roger owned a sailboat berthed in the Santa Cruz Harbor for more than 40 years, and he enjoys the wonderful coastal scenery and trails near his home. He is single and has four high school and college age grandchildren who all live in California.