Guide to the Archives of CUCEAIntroductory Notes
I. General Papers
III. Papers of Chairs – Documents (e.g. correspondence, memoranda, etc.) produced by, or during the term of, each Council chair which are not specific to another file in this arrangement. A separate folder is provided for each chair. IV. Papers of Other Officers – Documents reflecting the work of the six further Council officers: Archivist, Historian, Information Officer, Secretary, Treasurer, and Web Manager. The Treasurer's records, which are quite voluminous, have been divided into the following categories to facilitate access: General Papers, Reports to Council, Budget, Dues, Academic Council Support, Travel Expenses, Miscellaneous Expenses, Bank Statements, and Income Tax. V. Papers of Committees – Documents generated by any committees officially appointed by the Council (working papers, reports, etc.):
Academic Senate By Law 45, 55, and 175 Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE) Benefits (General) Spouses Domestic Partners Benefits (Financial) Actuarial Assumptions COLA's/Purchasing Power Death Benefits Tax Deferred 403 (b) Plan Benefits (Health) Health Care Facilitators Long Term Care Medicare/Medigap Vision Care California State University and Colleges Communication among CUCEA Members Customer Service Center Death Notices History of Emeriti Centers Housing “In Memoriam” Librarians, Status of Retired “New Dimensions” Office and Laboratory Space Office of Intellectual Property Adminstration (OIPA) Panunzio Award Parking Phased Retirement Privacy Recall Rights and Privileges Statewide Senate Emeriti Committee Surveys (CUCEA) Symposium on Senior Health Care (2003) Telephone Directory Titles for Emeriti UCRS Advisory Board Representation VERIPs VII. Liaisons between CUCEA and Other University Entities – Separate folders of documents produced as the result of formally established liaison relationships between CUCEA and other entities within the University system:
VIII. Newsletters – A file of all issues of any newsletters published by CUCEA. IX. Individual Campuses – Separate files of CUCEA-related post-1987 documents generated by the emeriti associations on each of the ten campuses (e.g. campus reports to the Council on local activities; newsletters, brochures, etc. distributed to sister campuses as shared information). (The existence of this category in the CUCEA archives does not obviate the need for each campus to set up and maintain appropriate archives for its own local emeriti association, something strongly recommended and encouraged by CUCEA.) X. Pre-History – All pre-1987 records documenting the development of the concept of a statewide affiliation of the emeriti associations being formed on the University's then-nine campuses:
Reports from the ArchivistArchivist Report for November 1, 2012 Meeting
CUCEA's Archives are located on the UCLA campus in the Emeriti/Retiree Relations Center in Rolfe Hall. Eddie Murphy, Director of the Center, graciously gives us a place to process the materials as well as space to house them. Each years' Fall meeting offers an appropriate occasion for the distribution of an updated edition of the Guide to the CUCEA Archives. This assures that the Guide is maintained as a current and accurate representation of the files as they expand, and at the same time it guarantees that it is put in the hands of the new officers, campus representatives, and Center Directors. CUCEA, unlike many associations, does not work through a set of standing committees. In organizing the archives we have established a series of files in which we store documents on the separate specific issues which, over time, have engaged CUCEA's attention. The only change this year is the addition of the folder titled "History of Emeriti Centers" to Section VI. Issues of Concern to CUCEA. During the past year we finished processing the large amount of documents received from Honorary Member Moses Greenfield. These have been very welcome, as they filled in some of the gaps. Other former members of CUCEA should be reminded that the records of their work are important and should not be discarded. Send them to the CUCEA archives in the UCLA Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center where they can be reviewed and maintained as appropriate at the following address: Ralph Johnson CUCEA Archivist UCLA Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center 1116 Rolfe Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1437 Ralph Johnson, Archivist